星期六, 三月 14, 2009


发信人: lOOOOOO ((一百万)), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 前车之鉴
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 23 12:43:35 2009)

我不想对个人生活作啥评价。 杀人动粗是绝对不对的。 但被杀被动粗, 怎么避免,

1. 女孩晚7点以后最好不要出门, it's better 留在家里
看看书, 听听音乐, 看看电视, drink some tea.
2. 少上网, 少和莫生人网聊, 毫无意义的事, 对眼睛身体也不好。
3. pay attention to some signs of violence and abusive behaviors shown in
some persons:

a. dominance, i.e., control freak
b. easily get into argument with others. can't stand different opinions and
different life styles.
c. sudden changes in personalities.
d. often blaming others for everything
e. self blame
f. lots of complaints
g. aggressive behaviors, for example, around noisy children, or toward
unpleasant things/people.
